Monday, January 20, 2025

Policy Analysis of a Transportation Corridor (1978)

©Antti Talvitie, 2025

Policy Analysis of a Transportation Corridor describes a travel demand assessment for eleven land use and level-of-service options. The demand forecasts were carried out using a representative sample of travelers expanded to cover the study area. The methods and models are explained in two papers under the Travel Demand of the blogpost: Models for Transportation Level of Service (for access and linehaul) and An Equilibrium Model System for Transportation Corridors. 

The analyses with comprehensive descriptions of travel demand were conducted in one week using the expansion of traveler sample enumeration method and a comprehensive network, travel pricing, and land use definitions. Costs of the plans can be analytically related to the planning options (not reported in this paper but described elsewhere in The Final Report Series, Vol. X) to facilitate benefit-cost analyses.

Normally, the demand analysis of transport plans requires the coding of the networks, the definition of travel pricing, and land use density options, which can be different at the origin and destination of trips.  The in-use model systems cannot include such options.

The paper shows the advantage of using a parametric representation of the access and land use options, including the possibility of HOV or bus lanes and the pricing of the transport services to the user, often beyond the capabilities of the current supply-side representation of the transport network. Most importantly, such comprehensive analyses exceed the budgets for available time and money.

FULL PAPER, pdf, 2492 KB, 44 pages 

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