Monday, February 3, 2025

Specification, Transferability and the Effect of Data Outliers in Modeling the Choice of Mode in Urban Travel (1978)

©Antti Talvitie, Daniel Kirshner 1978

State University of New York, Buffalo, N. Y. 14214


Cambridge Systematics Inc./West, Berkeley, Ca., U.S. A .


Three problems of great importance to urban travel demand modeling using multinominal logit models are examined in this paper. They are (1) the effect of data outliers on model coefficients; (2) the effect of model specification on coefficients and model explanatory power; and (3) the transferability of model coefficients within the region, between regions, and in time.

Four data sets are used in the study. They are: Washington, D.C., Minneapolis-St.
Paul, and two data sets from the San Francisco Bay Area, Pre-BART and Post-BART. The data are standard home-interview survey data appended with network supplied modal travel cost and time information.

The findings of the research are occasionally contradictory; the majority of the
evidence supports the following conclusions. The "outliers" do not have a statistically significant effect (at 0.05 level) on the coefficients; however, the outliers can have a substantial effect on the point estimates of some of the coefficients. Model specification has an impact on model coefficients and model explanatory power. In particular, the definition of out-of-vehicle travel time appears to be important and, if available, the use of separate walk and wait times is preferred over their sum; the out-of-vehicle time. Finally, the model coefficients do not appear transferable within region, between regions, or in time.

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